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our vision

we have a vision that all people have the opportunity to encounter the saving love of God

our story
A Romance | noun | a narrative genre that involves a mysterious, adventurous, or spiritual story line where the focus is on a quest that involves bravery and strong values of God
Craig Lodge is a place surrounded by hills. It was the wild deer that roam Scotland’s hills that first caused Craig Lodge to be built many centuries ago.  It has been a place from where hunters set out in the early mornings when a mist still lingers above the silvery river winding through the valley below. And in the evening, their strength and skill well tested, the hunters would return and gather with the whole household around a blazing fire.  And there would be feasting and tales told and whisky ‘drams’ shared and music to set a seal on a day spent in the high places.  And none knew then that God was weaving these things into something new.  But the years passed and he sent his Mother to another ‘place among the hills’.  And, the family who was living in Craig Lodge in those days, went on pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Our Lady visited their hearts.  When they returned home they carried her with them.  They gave her Craig Lodge and the gardens and the woodlands and the glens and the high places. And Mary took her place as Queen of this little realm.  And Craig Lodge became a House of Prayer and they opened its doors to all those who wanted to worship the Lord with them. 

This House of Prayer has now been welcoming people searching for an encounter with the Lord for over thirty years. It is a place of hospitality, healing and spiritual revival. It has always had a special care for the formation of young people. We delight in discipling young Spirit-filled evangelisers. It is a privilege to spiritually accompany them during their time at Craig Lodge and a joy to watch them set out from here on their adventures to carry the Good News of God’s love to other hearts and other places.
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